Roade Community Library

  • We offer a full library service with over 8,000 books in Roade Library itself and access to thousands more that can be reserved from other Northamptonshire libraries.
  • With your library membership card, you can borrow-
    1. Adult can borrow up to 20 adult fiction/nonfiction books for a period of 21 days.
    2. Children’s card can borrow up to 20 books for 21 days. The books available to the child will depend on age and the system will tell you on checkout.

    1. Through the smart library system, using your library card No and the 4 digit pin you set you can
      1. Search the library catalogue on-line for an author or title you are looking for
      2. Renew your books
  • Reserve items from other libraries that will be delivered to Roade for you to collect.
  1. Look at your loans History
  2. Browse through your Reviews & Ratings of books
  3. Browse through a Shortlist of books
  1. You can also access the Northamptonshire libraries audio books e-audiobook service with your library card and pin. This is provided through BorrowBox and Libby is available to both full and virtual library members. This allows you to ‘borrow’ up to 5 e-books or 5 e-audiobooks.
  2. This service also gives access to e-Newspapers and e-Magazines
  3. Within Roade Library we also offer access to the internet through two networked PC’s that are rentable by the hour.
  4. We have a photocopier/printer. Printing can be accessed by emailing your documents to the printer.

Roade Community Library offers a full library service

Roade Library Services for Children and Young Adults

0 to 5 year olds

You can access universal children’s centre services at Roade Library:

  • Bookstart Scheme
  • Activities for under 5s – RhymeTime
  • Learning through fun and games – Toys in the library
  • Story sacks
  • Summer Reading Challenge
Rhymetime for birth to 5 years

Rhymetime is running as usual on Wednesdays at 11:00am, in Roade Community Library

All under 5’s welcome with their caring adults.

So Rhymetime will continue to run every week unless Jane is on holiday.

We advise you to check Facebook each week for any unforeseen cancellations.

Rhymetime for birth to 5 years
5 to 14 year olds

We offer exciting activities in libraries for this age group. Choose an option below to find out more:

  • We are planning a homework club
  • Holiday activities linked to the summer reading challenge
  • E-audiobooks
  • E-books
  • Summer Reading Challenge